Monday, July 23, 2007

Some quick CBS TV news

As the networks continue to hold press conferences as part of the media press tour, we're learning a little bit more about some of our favorite shows and what to expect from them in their upcoming seasons. CBS recently held theirs and here were some interesting scooplets that got leaked, that some of you may find interesting:

Survivor: The new installment, which takes place in China will NOT have the exile island twist involved. However, the hidden immunity idol will remain apart of the game and according to producers will be placed somewhere "right under their noses".

CSI: Producers are saying that within the first few episodes, there will be a definitive end to the Sara/Grissom relationship. They wouldn't go any further as to whether Sara will be back or not, but it doesn't look like they will remain a couple one way or the other.

Amazing Race: The next season won't air until midseason, but CBS is reporting that it will be a shorter season and as a result there will be no nonelimination legs, which is just fine by me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Survivor: no exile island? Fine. It never seemed to weaken anyone, no matter how many times you send the same person.

CSI: With so little attention truly paid to the Grissom/Sara relationship, the producers might as well kill her off. Shite, I thought I was in a British drama with all the damn undertones and non-verbal mystery. Screw the relationship.

Amazing Race: No non-elimination rounds? Heck, I might actually watch this season.

- Peace