Saturday, July 21, 2007

Thank you for waiting...the (soon to be) doctor will see you now

I'm sorry there has been a dry spell of posts from me lately, but I do have a good reason. My friend Jim from Dayton came down to visit me, so I really haven't been around my computer a lot these past few days. But because he's down here, it's given me a reason to see some movies. I saw Spiderman 3 again early this week, but since I've already talked about that, there's no reason to do it here. Tonight, however, I got to see Sicko.

In general, the film was enjoyable. Well, as enjoyable as a film about how we're getting screwed by the HMOs can be. It's also a typical Michael Moore film, which can either be a very good thing or very bad thing, depending on who you are. About the only difference was that I thought this one was a little lighter on the humor than some of his other films had been. Again, though, a film about people dying as a result of greedy doctors...not exactly chock full of hilarity.

The film's biggest detriment is how it presents this problem as so simple, yet complicated. Really, the argument is simple ("Look other countries give their citizens free health care, why can't we?") and the solution is really complicated ("Yeah, like HMOs are really ever going to release their stranglehold on the health care industry"). The other maddening thing about this film is that I was waiting for the other shoe to fall on the systems these other countries like Canada and France have, yet it never came. So either these countries truly do live in these fanatasy worlds where everyone receives medical attention and lives happily or there's more going on than what was being presented in the film.

While the film is well made and never dull, you also leave with the sense that there isn't much you as an individual can do. Unlike say An Inconveinent Truth which gave viewers pause to consider how they can do their part to help the Earth, this problem will come down to whether politicians can grow a sack and make the necessary changes to this system. I recommend you check this out as it can produce some good debate, but be prepared to pull your hair out as you realize the situation we're in. On second thought, don't pull your hair out; it's likely to cause you to lose your benefits. Grade: B+

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though I appreciate your review, I don't think I can see the movie. Hell, I didn't see Gore's flick. When I saw Bowling for Columbine, it made me feel helpless. These films make our government look like crap, which it probably is, but much like Ellul's Propoganda, the common man can only focus his attention on just so many issues without being so overwhelmed as to lapse into a catatonic state.