Friday, January 27, 2012

RBR: 50/50

Dealing with a subject like cancer in a film can be difficult. Trying to blend comedy and drama in a film about cancer - even harder. And yet somehow, the people behind 50/50 not only manage to pull it off, but make it look easy in the process. Joseph Gordon-Levitt turns in yet another great performance as Adam, the young man who learns he has a rare form of spinal cancer. Not only does he have to deal with his cancer, he also has to deal with people who are trying to deal with the fact that he has cancer. I really appreicated the insight the film has on interpersonal communication as it relates to this subject. The interactions Adam has with his doctor, his grief counselor (played by Anna Kendrick), his mother (Anjelica Huston), his girlfriend (Bryce Dallas Howard), and everyone else in his life feel realistic and illuminating. Sometimes people are the most insensitive when they're trying their hardest to be sensitive. I should also point out that Seth Rogen, who plays Adam's best friend, gives his best performance in years here. He provides some great laughs, yet never belittles the situation or takes you out of the moment. His character is nothing he hasn't played before, yet his personal connection to the story (the film is loosely based on Will Reiser who wrote the film and is a good friend of Rogen's) enables him to be more authentic here. If I had to quibble, it's that I felt the film was a bit short and actually could have expanded more on some of its subplots. That aside, this is a terrific little film with a superb cast that has sadly gotten overlooked this awards season. Even with the heavy subject matter, you would be doing yourself a favor and checking this one out. Rating: **** 1/2

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