Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Catching up on some TV

Only a few more days of school headaches and then I'll be back to regular posting...

Amazing Race: This All Star season is surely limping to a finish. If I wasn't a fan of the beauty queens, I might have been tempted to skip the rest of the season. For whatever reason, the challenges lately have really been lacking. I don't know if that's the result of the actual activities or the teams involved with them. I think it was a nice gesture to have the teams so involved with the military while in Guam, but it was sad to see the lack of respect they received. Although what do you expect when you have people so crazed to win a million dollars. I mean, we were lucky they took 30 seconds to pay their respects at Auschwitz earlier this season. Between the poor efforts during challenges and their lack of respect for the military, it's hard to root for anybody. As I said, I'm supporting the beauty queens, because they at least run a smart race. It's a shame that the Cha-Chas had to go, but they fell out of favor with me by the end of the episode when they said they were rooting for Charla and Mirna because they run an honest race. What race have they been watching? Let's hope they have something special planned for next week's finale, but I fear that's about as likely as Charla growing 3 feet overnight.

How I Met Your Mother: This show just continues to bring the awesome. I swear that the writers somehow get inside my head to help develop these characters. First, we had Ted's Cleveland connections. Now this week, an episode devoted to Barney's love of the Price is Right. Where are these people in real life and can I be their friend? The show was spot on in its representation of TPIR and also did a wonderful job in respecting Bob and giving him his first or many fond farewells. Seeing the Barrnacle just rock every aspect of Price is Right was simply legen...wait for it...DARY! The rest of the episode rocked as well with the sweet story of the origin of Ted's best man speech. I can't say enough good things about this show. And of course, because I like it, there are now rumors that the show may not be renewed next season. I don't know how many sitcom heartbreaks I can take. If you're not already, please watch this show!

24: There was nothing terrible about this week's show. It just feels like they're still spinning their wheels, which they shouldn't be at this point in the season. Usually by now, we have a pretty clear idea of what the end game will be. But because they changed direction so late in the season, I have no idea what the final resolution will be. It appears that the Chinese are planning some attack, but that could just as easilly be resolved by the end of next week. As for this week, we saw how much CTU suffered from the loss of Bill. Like everybody didn't see that coming. The White House mole wasn't a very surprising twist, but I did enjoy seeing Kari Machette in only her bra. Although, I'm completely thrown by her character's name; Lisa Miller. It always makes me think of Newsradio. Sigh. Another one of my sitcome heartbreaks.

Monday Night RAW: Because of so many things on at once, I only caught the second hour and it seems like I should have seen the first hour. While Hour #1 had some strong wrestling from Edge/Orton and RVD/Umaga, hour #2 ended with a major disappointment. They had a nice intriguing storyline going on with all of Cena's primary opponents being taken out backstage. The reveal of the culprit was the worst possible choice they could have made. It could have been a new and/or returning superstar who showed up to challenge Cena and create a fresh feud. Or it could have been Cena himself who did it, which would have started a much needed heel turn for him. No, instead, we get the Great Turd, I mean, Khali. This may be the worst idea for a main event feud yet. Sadly, Cena has turned off so many people by now, that fans might actually root for Khali. Perish the thought.

Heroes: I saved the best for last. There certainly was a lot to digest this week. Although I may not have to sort it all out if Hiro now succeeds in changing the future. My biggest sigh of relief though was seeing that HRG was still alive. I'm certainly concerned about his fate, but this seems to indicate that he has a future. Once again my heart goes out to poor Claire. She's been shipped all over the country in order to be protected. Are we to assume though that she was killed in this week's episode, or could she recover from something like that? That brings me to the big reveal of the week that Sylar is posing as Nathan in the future. A very scary thought indeed. We got to see another glimpse into a Sylar/Peter showdown and this one was even cooler than last weeks. I love the rivalry they have set up between them. Also, I guess Candace is dead in the future if Sylar has the ability to morph. The biggest surprise I think was that we saw nobody from The Company in the future. Do they still have power or were they wiped out? Like I said, a lot to get through in that hour, which means I'll probably watch the episode again. I'm such a nerd.


Anonymous said...

Amazing Race: After taking several weeks off after the departure of Ramber/Amrob, I've concluded that the Race has little left to offer me. Somehow Survivor always comes across as entertaining, whereas when the Race follows form, it's stale. Also, Marla (Get it? Charla and Myrna sp?) seems to be acting more than playing. It's cute to be hammy sometimes, but give me a break. These girls think they're on America's Next Top Model. It's like Rosie O'Donnell talking: just don't!

Anonymous said...

Heroes: Erin and I watched last night. It seems both paintings came true: We see Nathan in the white house and Sylar/Nathan in the white house. Both Isaac's and Sylar's painting told the future. That was a nice way to keep the continuity. If you look at Isaac's image you'll notice the blocking for the actor's stance was almost perfect. Maybe Sylar's painting was so bizarro because that's how he saw himself in the position.

Matt turned evil? Say it ain't so, Lassie! What a prick. Why not teleport out of the damn building once the Haitian died? Oh, that would make sense. Anyway, it was intense. It'd be nice to actually see the fight between Sylar and Peter.

Oh, I think I read that Sylar's scary voice is just a production technique to make the scene scarier and not a sign of some particular power. Then again, writers are liars at heart or else they couldn't tell stories, pun intended. Get it? Telling stories? Oh, I kill me!