Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Monday TV madness

How I Met Your Mother: A bittersweet finale from one of my favorite shows. It was a nice companion piece to last week's episode. That one nicely focused on Lily and Marshall, while this one looked at Robin and Ted. Sadly, it was not a happy ending for them as all their differences that they've been trying to ignore finally were accepted and they decided to break up. It's a shame that the writers put themselves into a corner by ruling out Robin as the mother as she works so well with Ted. If this is the series finale (which it better not be!), then kudos to the writers for providing closure on everything. But if it does return, then there should be some fun in store with Barney back as Ted's wingman. By the way, the season so needs to open with Barney saying "dary". We'll have been waiting for it all summer.

24: I'm not sure why I'm bothering to write anything about it, since I don't really have anything positive to say. I found it funny that a couple of lines said by VP Daniels seemed to echo a lot of fan's sentiment about this season. Things like, "this has been all for nothing" and "nothing seems to make sense". Let's hope the season closes with a bang and tries to give us closure on so many of the dangling storylines that they've left throughout the season.

Heroes: Speaking of things going out with a bang, Heroes is certainly doing their part. I cannot believe the death count from last night's episode. I expected that maybe in the finale, but not this week. Then again, some of them may not be dead (although some like Ted are a given). It's really a shame too who got axed as most of them were characters I liked!! Yet people like Mohinder, Parkman, Nikki and the Petrellis are all still living. Grrr. Hiro's duel with his dad was cool, but I don't get why Ando would be so quick to abandon Hiro and go at this alone. Me thinks there may be more to that than we saw. Also, I can't tell where Mr. Nakamura's allegiance lies. It seemed like he was the one who betrayed Linderman and the rest of that group, but I still don't get "good guy" vibes from him. I also can't believe that HRG would so quickly allow Claire to lead Peter and Ted out of NYC. Granted, he had a mission of his own, but that just seems like a bad idea. Let's hope everything turns out all right for him and Claire. By the way, is it wrong of me to want to see HRG cap Molly. To me, she seems like she'll be more trouble than she will be helpful. All in all, a great episode and I can't wait for the final showdown next week. We know it will be explosive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was literally on the edge of my seat when Linderman took Nathan's wife's hand. I told Erin immediately, "Oh crap, he's going to heal her!" Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, so here's a fist in your brain! Gross.

Did you catch the hint in the conversation between Micah and Candice that she may actually look nothing like the hot chick she's portrayed as being. I think Micah has it right and that people who eat like she does are fat. Guess what? I think she's massive.