Thursday, May 17, 2007

Charlie's Greatest Hits

Congratualations Lost, you finally made me care about Charlie for an episode. Nice job by the writers to give us upbeat flashbacks this week of Charlie's fondest memories as he prepares to die. And frankly, going out in a blaze of glory in the looking glass hatch (more Alice in Wonderland references!) is a much cooler way to die than simply drowning trying to save Clare. I actually thought Charlie was going to let Desmond go down for him, but props to the hobbit for finally accepting his fate.

Meanwhile, Jack's got his big plan all set to take out the Others. It looks sound, which means it will likely go oh so wrong. I'm not sure taking almost all of the beach people together on a trek is the best way to keep him safe but hey, who am I to question the all-knowing Jack Shepherd. Next week, of course looks to provide us with the showdown we've been waiting for. The previews indicate that everyone is going to get in on the action and many will probably not make it out alive. Plus, the promise of a "game-changing" moment has me intrigued as to what they could possibly do to make this show any more topsy-turvy.

BTW, hooray for the return of Rose and Bernard!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one's going to like the game-changer. It's true that the show will look quite different next year. I couldn't resist waiting. I had to know. It'd be nice to not happen this way, but I guess I've got all week to get ready to be disappointed for nine months, but I should have known you can't keep a show going six seasons with just people on a beach. That world has to expand, literally.