Friday, May 18, 2007

Thursday's finales

CSI: I'm torn on my feelings on this episode. On one hand, the Minature Killer was suitably crazy to commit those murders. But they also made her so crazy, that it seems difficult to believe that she would have the poise to create those minatures. Her psychosis also prevented her from having any sort of decent conversation with Gil. That was frustrating for a couple of reasons: 1) It obviously doesn't help him figure out where Sara is and 2) I really wanted to see them have an in-depth conversation so Gil could wrap his mind around the inner-workings of such a twisted artist like the MK. Grissom's profession of his love for Sara was done in a typical, backwards-way for him. Sadly, we got no follow up by any of the CSIs to respond to this announcement. And do you really think they would have let Gil in there alone with the MK, knowing now his personal investment in finding Sara? As for Sara, they did a nice job of leaving the door wide open for her fate. Depending on whether she resigns or not, the audience will easily buy the fact that she lived or died. Let's hope we get more of a sense of closure to the MK next season than we did in this episode.

The Office: Oh man, what a finish. I think I was tense the entire episode, unsure of what would happen. I'm going to need to watch it again, to actually appreciate all of the humor that was happening as well. I knew Jan's announcement would involve some change to herself, but I honestly thought she was going to go for a sex-change operation (an addadictomy, if you will). And really, after dating Michael, I wouldn't blame her. But she went in the complete opposite direction and got a "boob job". Ooops, I mean, "boob enhancement". Once Michael, saw that, he was a goner. Then we learned that the job Michael, Jim and Karen were interviewing for was Jan's job. Seeing Jan blow up upon learning this (I love Michael trying to tell David he didn't tell her) was both hilarious and scary at the same time.

Then you had Jim and Karen also applying for the job. All of the JAM people out there were probably aghast when Karen called Pam a bitch. Then she continues to lose points when she so quickly agrees to abandon Jim in favor of her friends while he waited to be interviewed. It was clear throughout the episode that this girl was meant for NY, while Jim, who might say otherwise, is destined for a life in Scranton. The capper was the wonderful note he found from Pam while he was interview that included the "gold medal" from the Office Olymipics episode (nice callback there). Fans of the show then got the moment they've been waiting for when Jim came back and asked Pam out on a date. If your heart didn't melt at least a little upon seeing Pam's face at that point, then your heart is made of stone.

Lest we not forget all of other wonderful Office workers. Dwight's short-lived reign as regional manager (while still acting as Assistant to the Regional manager) was fantastic. Loved the Schrute Bucks, his interview of (only) Andy for his #2, his lecture on soil, and his secret working relationship with Pam. Also, Stanley had some great comebacks for Dwight, Kevin's assessment of Pam vs. Karen was hilarious, and I loved Creed's "blog". BTW, there is now a real Creed blog that you can check out here.

Finally, we were in for one more shocker when we saw Ryan of all people get Jan's job and dump Kelly in one swooop. Now, does anyone else think this might not necessarily be true? What if David was talking to Karen about the job and then Karen called Ryan for the date? Remember two weeks ago when Ryan mentioned asking Karen out? Plus, David said that it would be nice to have another MBA around, and I'm not positive that Ryan actually got his yet. I can't wait until next season to find out!!!

Price is Right: Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the wonderful tribute they had for Bob Barker last night, celebrating his 50 years in television. They did a nice job of showing clips of his career, while also recognizing all that's he done. There were also a couple of nice cameos by CBS president Les Moonves and Adam Sandler (Happy!) They also managed to squeeze in a mini-version of the show and gave away a lot of loot to boot. All in all, a nice show that makes me a little sad, as we now have only about a month left of episodes until Bob says goodbye for good.

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