Friday, May 4, 2007

TV, TV, and...more TV

I'm backlogged on my TV thoughts again, so to prevent this post from being the entire blog, my thoughts will have to be abbreviated. Please feel free to chime in with your thoughts though and tell me what I forgot to mention.

House: Typically whenever the primary is a kid, the show usually portrays the parents negatively in some way. Tonight, was different and it was heartbreaking seeing them go through that emotional roller coaster over the fate of their two sons. But in usual House fashion, both made it out alive. Unfortunately, their lives came at the expense of Foreman, who decided to quit in fear of becoming too much like House (and who wouldn't be afraid of that). This might have been more shocking to me had it not already been spoiled to me (thank you very much TV Guide). Also, while the dog stuff was cute (gotta love it developing a limp), I would have much rather had more screen time for Chase, Cameron and Cutty.

Lost: Another stellar episode from them this week. While many had put two and two together and determined Locke's dad was Sawyer's con man, it was still fun to see that all play out. We once again some hints that they're not on an island, but rather dead, which isn't likely true but interesting nonetheless. Who's going to such lengths to keep this place hidden and why? Perhaps most interesting of all was the indication that Jack and Juliette have a secret that they're not sharing with the rest of the castways. The previews for next week seem to indicate we may find out what it is, along with some answers to the Dharma initiative as well. We're clearly setting up for a major showdown between the castaways and the Others, but it's unclear who's side everyone is playing on. Should be fun to see how it all plays out.

My Name is Earl: I feel foolish for not getting the Rudy reference sooner than I did. Nice stunt casting there. They always do a really good job of getting guest stars who are perfect in the roles they play and unlike a show like Will & Grace they don't bring them in and flaunt them around just to grab some extra ratings. The scratch and sniff stunt was a nice bonus, but kinda unnecessary. It didn't really add anything to the show. Hopefully, they won't do stuff like that in the future or else they will become like Will & Grace. Overall, another nice story this week with Earl finally landing a job. Someone wrote earlier this week that they felt Earl was becoming too nice of a show and was suffering as a result. I don't know if I fully agree, but seeing evil Earl more would be nice.

The Office: Not my favorite episode of the season, but certainly still possessed plenty of laughs. This episode, more than anything, sets up some key things that will come into play as the season closes. What will be the backlash of Michael's break-up with Jan? Will Michael's wish for Pam to gain courage come true and she'll finally admit her feelings to Jim?

And will anybody ever bring this man to justice?

Survivor: This was a pretty standard episode for this point in any season. There's always a strong alliance post-merge who picks off the outsiders one by one. When it gets down to that last person, they always try their darndest to make the outcome not look like a foregone conclusion. This time they tried making us belive that Yau could be a goner, but nobody was buying it. The challenges were pretty weak this week; I'm pretty sure we've seen that eating one before (or was that MXC?) and the immunity challenge wasn't nearly as intricate as it should have been for this late in the season. The highlight was probably Jeff browbeating the contestants for their lame digging skills during the immunity challenge (particularly Cassandra). I guess they weren't trying figuring they didn't need immunity this week. Now that the outsiders are gone, things should get downright nasty next week and I can't wait.

CSI: I always love whenever they explore the weirdos of the world and the suspects in tonight's show certainly fit the bill. I can't believe they had Enrico Colantoni as a guest star on an episode about aliens and they didn't make one Mars pun. As for the other Ally Sheedy, I was waiting for her to talk about Johnny 5 being alive. BTW, what is up with hand biting this week. She bites Greg on the hand and on Lost, Locke's dad inflicting the same kind of punishment on Locke. Weird. Anyway, the most bizarre thing about this episode was those final seconds. Are they trying to make us think that Gil is the minature killer? I'm sure this is just something where he's trying to get in the mind of the killer or set something up to bait the killer. Regardless, I can't wait to see the season finale. And after reading this story (WARNING: Spoiler alert!), I'm even more perplexed to see how it plays out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally watched Survivor last night. Regardless of how you rate the rest of the episode, the eating challenge was gross. I haven't cringed like that in a long while. Otherwise, I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the episode outside of the turmoil Alex was causing. I'm not sure I could play the game that way. That is, I wouldn't cause as much damage as I could just because my neck happened to be on the chopping block. I suppose it makes good TV for some people to have the producers focus so much time on that. I miss the tiny segments that we'd see now and then where the context was comedic more than dramatic.
