Monday, May 14, 2007

Survivor finale

Last night's finale was the most shocking and least shocking finale in it's history. Most people are still in disbelief that Dreamz reneged on his deal, but once it happened, Earl's victory was a foregone conclusion. I'm happy for Earl, as I thought he played a really smart game throughout and seemed to be a pretty nice guy (also props to him for playing the game so well given that he only learned he would be a contestant two days before filming). As for Yau, seeing him take the events in stride and actually putting the blame on himself for his ouster softens the blow...just a bit.

Highlights/lowlights of the episode:

- The maze challenge was really awesome and Yau just proved how awesome he is by smoking the course. Cassandra, of course, was doing her best Mr. Magoo act. Boy, was she pathetic.
- Boo was smart in trying to get Earl to vote out Dreamz (Yau would probably be getting his check right now had it happened), but unfortunately for Floz, the "brothers" decided to stick together.
- I also enjoyed the Chinese water torture final challenge, but it was pretty obvious that Dreamz was going to win that one. Frankly, I'm surprised Cassandra lasted as long as she did there.
- Thank God for Tivo so I could buzz past the fallen Survivors montage and the final three waxing nostalgic over the "accomplishments" over the past 39 days.
- The jury was surprisingly lively considering the final three really didn't do a lot to them to deserve their wrath. Lisi looked particularly embarassing considering none of them were involved in her boot. Alex's performance would have immediately earned him the title of "World's Worst Lawyer" had we not known already that the Amazing Race's Mirna was a lawyer. What was up with Boo pulling the Christian card? Dude seemed pretty mellow during his time on the island. I loved Edgardo asking Earl how he knew about the HII and Earl saying Dreamz, point-blank.
- The reunion show was pretty weak though. Too much time was spent on getting Dreamz to give a straight answer when we knew he wouldn't/couldn't. As annoying as Rocky was, I still believe he was in the right for trying to get Anthony to stand up for himself. That guy really needs to grow a pair. Gary's tattoo was strange. Michelle was still adorable as ever and really should have pointed out how screwed she got by the "we're merged, but it's a tribe voting you out" twist. I also think Stacy got a bum rap on the show as being a bitch. That was really only evident in those first few episodes, which is a shame for her.
- Finally, the reveal of China as the next location was no surprise since it had been leaked for weeks now. And since they haven't filmed anything yet, they couldn't tease us about the potential contestants or twists for next season. Still, the location should be a good one and I'm looking forward to it. Also, there has been a lot of strong rumors going around that after China will be another All-Star edition. Once I get confirmation, I'll let you know. In the meantime, free feel to speculate who should be the cast for that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dreamz = butt munch!